"Store Wars" Parody [Politics]

The National Organic Trade Association (not to be confused with NATO) has come up with a hilarious spoof of Star Wars called Store Wars. You can watch it here. The young jedi hero is Cuke, his mentor is Obi Wan Cannoli, and the space buccaneer is Ham Solo... you get the picture. The movie is cute...

I am not a big fan of the "organic" food movement. Their claims about the superiority of "natural" food play on people's fears, and are rarely if ever based on science. For example, the organic preachers are against irradiation of food, but there is no evidence that it would be harmful, only FUD. Irradiation does, however, kill organisms that could cause disease of food is not cooked, cleaned, or stored properly--ironically a more common problem if people eat more fresh produce.

I see it as a way for some farmers to make better profits, and for some consumers to feel superior and in control. It is predominantly a upper class phenomenon in my area, as the organic stores target affluent consumers, selling higher priced food.
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