"Driving By Women Leads to Evil"

In Saudi Arabia, a public outcry has arisen because a legislator proposed allowing women to drive.

"Driving by women leads to evil," Munir al-Shahrani wrote in a letter to the editor of the Al-Watan daily. "Can you imagine what it will be like if her car broke down? She would have to seek help from men."

Right! First you let women drive, next thing you know, they're strippers and prostitutes! So what do you do, to keep women away from strange men?
The driving prohibition has forced families to hire live-in drivers, who, strangely, are allowed to be alone with women. Al-Zulfa said clerics have deemed this a lesser evil than driving. Women whose families cannot afford to pay $300 to $400 a month for drivers rely on male relatives to take them around.
Yep, that'll work real good. I'm sure Saudi women never have affairs with their drivers.

Saudi Arabia is in the clutches of the extremely strict form of Islam, Wahhabism. Women are allowed to drive in all other Islamic states. In many, women are allowed to work. In a few, they are even allowed to vote.
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