Land Rover Poseur

Today, driving home in the evening, I saw one of these, a Land Rover with a snorkel:

(just an example)

Was it covered in mud? Did it have river weeds sticking out of every crack? No. It was parked in front of an upscale clothing store in an upscale neighborhood, the paint gleaming, the tires glossy. At least a Ferrari you can drive fast, maybe cruise Woodward. But snorkels and brushguards on a suburban mall hauler? Was the soccer field flooded today, mom?

The thing must sound like a horny moose when you step on the throttle.

Sure, people have a right to do whatever they want to their cars. Vestigial spoilers? Bad tint jobs? Spotlights? Spinners? Neon? Whatever. I think they look stupid.

Just stop laughing at the ground effects on my Volvo, man. The car is pure speed, all 170HP of it.
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