The JD Power 3YIS Survey

The JD Power 3YIS Survey

The results of JD Power's 3 years-in-service quality survey have been posted. There is some good news here for Detroit: Ford, GM, and C...
Subaru Tribeca: Ugly?

Subaru Tribeca: Ugly?

I am on the fence. I can't make up my mind if the Subaru Tribeca is ugly, or merely uninteresting. When I look at pictures on the web, I...
The "Hat Tip" [Blogging]

The "Hat Tip" [Blogging]

It has become customary among bloggers to give credit to other bloggers if they were the source of a news item or blog idea, using the "...
The Horror: No Cable TV!

The Horror: No Cable TV!

From a recent Detroit News story about the coming benefits war between GM and the UAW: Doris Wamsley, a 78-year-old widow in Flint, fears s...
Keep Kicking, LIttle One [Culture]

Keep Kicking, LIttle One [Culture]

Susan Torres was a 26 year old pregnant wife and mother, who collapsed on May 7th, 2005. At the hospital, it was discovered that she had adv...
The 500MPG Trick

The 500MPG Trick

A "fact" has been swishing around the 'net for a while now. Certain greenies are promoting the idea of a 500MPG car, based a c...
Tragedy in NJ

Tragedy in NJ

On Friday, the bodies of three little boys were found in the trunk of a Toyota Camry. They had been missing from their Camden, New Jersey ne...
Rooting For the Little Guy

Rooting For the Little Guy

Uzi Nissan is the owner of Nissan Computer, and the original owner of the web sites and , which he registere...
Fire In Detroit

Fire In Detroit

Breaking news (as of ~11:00pm) a massive fire has broken out in a warehouse that is in the same area in Detroit as the original Ford Model-T...
OCR For Your Car

OCR For Your Car

Bosch has developed a digital camera based system which reads traffic signs as you pass them. The system could be used to inform the driver...
She Had a Sawn-Off [Politics]

She Had a Sawn-Off [Politics]

A gun-control activist, Sheila Eccleston , was recently arrested when she admitted to police that she was keeping a sawed-off shotgun in her...
The Lienerts: Apple Vs. Orange

The Lienerts: Apple Vs. Orange

I am starting to think that Anita and Paul Lienert, the married pair of automotive writers who do reviews for the Detroit News, are nuts. Pr...
Not All Of Us Are Guys

Not All Of Us Are Guys

Just when you were settled in the assumption that all auto bloggers are male, I have just found out by reading Joe Sherlock's blog that...
Office Chair Racing

Office Chair Racing

No steering, brakes, or suspension. 2" plastic tires. Brave. Courtesy Yahoo Photos
Lutz Throws Gauntlet

Lutz Throws Gauntlet

In today's blog post , Bob Lutz dares us to compare: Today, we'’re operating on a much more emotional, creative level and our de...
Escaping Cuba [Politics]

Escaping Cuba [Politics]

Cubans are so desperate to get out of Castro's socialist "paradise", they risk their lives in boats cobbled together from old ...
Free Ford Video Game

Free Ford Video Game

Ford is offering a free video game for download . The game has players driving Focuses, and if they do well, they can move up to Mustangs a...
The Redemption of the Pushrod?

The Redemption of the Pushrod?

Various pundits occasionally slap GM for selling pushrod engines. I have even been known to do it myself. But I have come to understand and ...
AFA Stands Down For Now

AFA Stands Down For Now

The American Family Association has suspended its call for a boycott of Ford, after a Texas dealer offered to mediate discussions between Fo...
Veyron on Ebay

Veyron on Ebay

I don't think my Paypal account will cover this Bugatti Veyron that is being auctioned on Ebay Motors. Even if I did have the wampum, I...
Apples and Cars

Apples and Cars

Today Apple announced that it will be switching from Freescale (Formerly Motorola) PowerPC processors to Intel CPUs for the future generat...
Heh. [Politics]

Heh. [Politics]

Hilarious post from FrankJ, titled "Gotta Gitmo Respect", detailing the "TOP TEN DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GITMO AND A GULAG"....
"Driving By Women Leads to Evil"

"Driving By Women Leads to Evil"

In Saudi Arabia, a public outcry has arisen because a legislator proposed allowing women to drive. "Driving by women leads to evil,...
Christians Boycott Ford

Christians Boycott Ford

The Christian group American Family Association has organized a boycott of Ford Motor Co., based on Ford's support for homosexual group...
Parking Idiots, Beware!

Parking Idiots, Beware!

I have received my shipment of bumper stickers. As advertised, they are not too sticky. I will carry my new weapon i...