CARB Hubris

CARB Hubris

In classical literature, a character that show the flaw of hubris, extreme arrogance, often winds up being toppled. California's Air Res...
I ♥ Leatherman

I ♥ Leatherman

I have an addiction.  I can't stop buying Leatherman tools. Somewhere, I have an original Leatherman PST, which came with a leather case...
Zlaty Meyer at NAIAIS

Zlaty Meyer at NAIAIS

A local journalist, who has a pretty good sense of humor, did a video dispatch from the North America International Auto Show in Detroit. It...
Steel vs Brass Ammo

Steel vs Brass Ammo

Shooting is a hobby of mine.  I own several firearms, and though I don't get out as often as I like, I try to stay proficient. Gun b...