Edmund's Kills Inside Line

Edmund's Kills Inside Line

One of my favorite automotive blogs, Inside Line, is being absorbed into its corporate host, Edmunds.com I don't like it. It looks l...
Coda Death Watch?

Coda Death Watch?

Bad news leaking from Coda,  according to inside sources off the record, Coda has laid off a large portion of its employees. The other day, ...
Coda Flunks Front Crash Test

Coda Flunks Front Crash Test

The NHTSA has released the test results of their crash testing for the Coda electric sedan, and amazingly, it flunked.  Coda only got 2/5 s...
How To Get Your 45MPG+

How To Get Your 45MPG+

So you bought a shiny new hybrid, maybe a C-Max rated at 47mpg, or maybe a Prius rated at 46mpg.  You start driving it to work, and you are ...
Right To Work and Unemployment

Right To Work and Unemployment

There is a raging debate in Michigan now over "Right To Work" laws, which are being proposed by the Republican controlled state le...
The $550 Car Battery

The $550 Car Battery

Braille Battery is going to start selling an aftermarket car battery which uses the lithium ion chemistry instead of lead acid.  It will wei...
Lincoln Motor Company

Lincoln Motor Company

Ford is re-branding (or, maybe, re-re-branding?) Lincoln as Lincoln Motor Company.   Personally, I'm not sure it matters, everyone knows...
Starbucks for $7? Phew...

Starbucks for $7? Phew...

$7 Starbucks Geisha coffee?  Yawn.  When Starbucks starts selling  Kopi luwak , then I'll be impressed.